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29.04.2018 17:20:11 7962x read.
Report of Provincial Chapter Proceedings on Wednesday, 25th April, 2018.


Proceedings of the day started with a morning prayer at 7.00 am followed by breakfast.

The first session of the day started at 8.30 am with a prayer led by the liturgy committee.

The Provincial Superior made some announcements to the house after which he handed over the facilitation of the discussions to the facilitator.

The house continued with the discussion on the Provincial Chapter Proposals. During the first and second sessions of the day we discussed proposals twenty-four (24) to proposal forty (40). Some of the proposals were changed to recommendations and others were reworked with elucidations to make them clearer. Yet still, others which were similar were merged to avoid repetition.

The third session of the day started at 3.30 pm with a prayer led by the liturgy committee. The session started the Advanced Preparation for a new Provincial Council.

The Provincial Council members were asked to share their experiences. They shared their joys, worries, concerns and experiences as Provincial Council members. They took turns to do this. There were times when both Provincial Council members and Chapter delegates became very emotional during the sharing. This was evidenced by the silence and rapt attention of members during the sharing.

One can say that today was a well spent, mind provoking, and sober day, taking into consideration the day’s deliberations. Proposals were critically discussed with some accepted, others made recommendations and whilst others were merged. The preparation for a new Provincial Council also gave chapter member the opportunity to listen to the Provincial Council members’ personal experiences and gave Chapter delegates the opportunity to reflect on these experiences.

The day’s activities ended with a Eucharistic celebration and a social evening.

Thank you.

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