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10.02.2016 18:49:27 6331x read.
Reunion FIC 2015 (Indonesia Province).

Reunion FIC 2015 (Indonesia Province).
On Monday, December 28, we began our “2015 Reunion” with the activity to clean up the environment of Randusari’ community in Semarang. About 25 brothers and candidates cleansed up the environment of the community. In the afternoon started at 15.00 we played some sports such as volly ball and table tennis. Matches is only until the semi-finals because of the limited time available. At 18:00 was the opening of the reunion, Bro. Augustine Sudarmadi delivered a welcome reunion. Afterwards Bro. Robertus Koencoro led the worship and gave the opportunity to Bro. John Hartoko and Bro. Yozep Margiyanto for sharing of their 12.5th anniversary as Brothers FIC. After dinner, the reunion continued with some events beginning with the suave look of the dance by Bro. John Hartoko and C.B. Ontoseno. Then Bro. Redemptus guided a sharing the experience of 40 years of life of Bro. Herman Yosep Kuwat. Followed by the attraction of our young brothers filling in the form of "motion and song". Then Bro. Albertus Suwarto guided brothers who celebrate their 25th anniversary as Brothers FIC sharing i.e. Bro. Heribertus Triyanto, Bro. Damasus, Bro. Paul Sumarno, Bro. Valentine Naryo and Bro. F.A. Dwiyatno. Could not be present because it is still completing studies in the Netherlands was Br. Peter Suparyanto. While listening to the faith-sharing of the jubilees the brothers and candidates enjoyed noodles and fried rice that had provided the Committee. The first day of community events closed with evening prayer together by Bro. Samuel Marten.
On Tuesday, December 29, a series of reunions begins with the final match of the voly ball between brothers of Solo communities (Wedi, Klaten, Surakarta and Giriwoyo) against candidates plus 3 brothers yuniorat. The match was won by the brothers of the Solo. Then the finals matches table tennis was won by Bro. Peter Paijan and Bro. Agus Mujiyo while Bro. Frans Sugi and Bro. Marcel Senen was as runners-up. A football game between medior brothers against young brothers and candidates won by the young brothers and candidates with a score of 10-1. After breakfast, the reunion started at 09.00 with the celebration of the Eucharist of Thanksgiving was offered by F.X. Sukendar, Diosesan Administrator of the Archdiocese of Semarang. In sermons F.X. Sukendar invites us to open to the movement of the Holy Spirit with the manifest 10 resolution daily life as affirmed by Pope Francis. Tenth resolutions are: stop rumors; eat sparingly and spend that is already taken; give concern for others; shopping is simple and avoid luxury; meet the poor; stop judging a fellow; still friends with who disagree; create a commitment to that not agree; stop judging our fellow; remain friends with who disagree; make a commitment with others; habitus 'called out' to the Lord; and be happy.
After the Eucharist we gathered together at the Hall of Pangudi Luhur Don Bosko Senior High School. We began with the Keroncong JUNIOR Pangudi Luhur Domenico Savio. Then Bro. Anton Sumardi guide Bro. Venantius for sharing the experience of 60 years as a brother. Kindergarten Pangudi Luhur Bernardus comforting the brothers and candidates with a dance. Then Bro. Valentinus Daru Setiaji presents a dance, as shown when a 50 year celebration FIC in Ghana. Bro. Anton Sumardi continue to guide the sharing of 50 years to life term Bro. Anton Hadi and Bro. Nicolaas Budiharjo. At the end of a series of reunions the postulants and novices offer up the dance. The reunion was closed with a closing speech by Provincial Superior and distribution prizes for the winners of volly ball, table tennis and football matches. The reunion concluded with lunch together. See you reunion 2016!!!

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