GENERAL COUNCIL F.I.C. - Prins Bisschopsingel 22, 6211 JX Maastricht, The Netherlands  Phone: *31 (0) 43 3508373
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"We consecrate ourselves to be witnesses of God's love"

The Congregation of the Brothers FIC is an international community of about 300 religious brothers, who live and work in six countries: Chile, Ghana, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Malawi and The Netherlands.

15.04.2024 18:20:17
photoGOD IN OUR LIFE Emmaus Community Short reflection on article 55 of FIC Constitutions Opening Song YOU ARE NEAR. Psalm 139  Chorus:       Yaweh, I know you are near, standing always at my side. You guard me from the foe and you lead me in ways everlasting. Lord, you have searched my heart, and you know when I sit and when I stand. Your hand is upon me, protecting me from death, keeping me from harm. When can I run ....
12.04.2024 01:47:40
photoPope Francis: ‘A Christian without courage’ is ‘a useless Christian’ By Matthew Santucci Rome Newsroom, Apr 10, 2024 / 09:00 am Pope Francis on Wednesday dedicated his general audience catechesis to the virtue of fortitude, observing that it consists of the ability to live with courage and to confront the inner — and outer — turmoils of life. “A Christian without courage, who does not turn his own strength to good, who does not bother anyone, is a useless Christian,” the pope declared during ....
07.04.2024 16:33:25
photo Dear Fellow Brothers and Friends, In this Easter Season, we would request that individually, we take ample time off our ever- busy life to reflect that we were created freely out of God’s love. An amazing love that filled us with light, love and life. However, humanity sinned, and we keep on sinning. In our disobedience, we knowingly separated ourselves from the Father’s love causing everyone to fall into darkness and bringing about our death. In his tender love and ....
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05.04.2024 14:29:16
photoAllah adalah kasih, marilah kita mewartakan kasih Allah. Sebagaimana dialami oleh Mgr. Ludovicus Rutten dan Br. Bernardus Hoecken, semoga kita semakin mengalami hidup dalam penyelenggaraan Ilahi dan perlindungan Bunda Maria.  Selamat Paskah. Kita mengakhiri bulan Maret 2024 dengan perayaan Paskah. Kita bersyukur karena boleh melewati latihan-latihan rohani selama masa prapaskah. Semoga banyak keutamaan hidup kita peroleh dari latihan-latihan rohani kita.  Dalam tema perayaan paskah, banyak hal yang bisa kita renungkan. Dari homili para imam selama perayaan Trihari Suci misalnya, kita mendapatkan banyak ....
02.04.2024 16:43:11
photoContinuous Formation in consecrated life Following Article 115 of the Brothers FIC Constitution, which emphasizes the importance of continuous personal and communal development throughout our lives, the Catholic Church places great significance on religious formation, particularly within the context of consecrated life and ministry. Religious formation encompasses various dimensions, including spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral aspects. It aims to gradually transform individuals by deepening their understanding of the Catholic faith, fostering a rich prayer life, and equipping them with the necessary ....
26.03.2024 19:58:31
photoRONCALLI FORMATION PROGRAM   Background. Roncalli's retreat house was established as a concrete response to the encouragement of consecrated life renewal mandated by the Second Vatican Council. Responsive to that renewal, the 1967 FIC Special General Chapter recommended the importance of formation, deepening of life and prayer. As a manifestation, Indonesia Province established a centre for forming and deepening monastic life: “Centrum voor Vorming en Ver-dieping”. This centre of formation and deepening was originally planned for the internal benefit of the ....
26.03.2024 19:46:42
photoMary, my Mother and Protector In my cherished recollections, Mary, my mother and protector, remains well-remembered. Every year in the months of May and October, a rosary ritual unfolded within our community, where the prayer circulated among households. The joy was palpable as we took turns leading the Hail Mary prayer, each holding a lighted candle. This experience left an indelible mark on me. As time advanced and especially when I entered the fourth grade, my involvement with the Legion of ....
18.03.2024 19:11:31
photoBerita Provinsi Indonesia (Maret 2024)   Allah adalah kasih, marilah kita mewartakan kasih Allah. Sebagaimana dialami oleh Mgr. Ludovicus Rutten dan Br. Bernardus Hoecken, semoga kita semakin mengalami hidup dalam penyelenggaraan Ilahi dan perlindungan Bunda Maria. Kita memasuki bulan Maret 2024. Salah satu agenda penting di bulan Maret 2024 adalah Kapitel FIC Provinsi Indonesia 2024 sesi pertama. Kapitel adalah kekuasaan tertinggi dalam tatakelola kehidupan Kongregasi kita. Rujukan konstitutifnya bisa kita temukan pada Konstitusi 118 (Kapitel Umum) yang mengungkapkan, “Kapitel Umum mempunyai kekuasaan tertinggi ....

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