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20.10.2019 01:22:52 830x read.
Report Leadership Workshop/ConCon 15 October 2019 (Day 12)

Report Leadership Workshop/ConCon 15 October 2019.

[Raphael Besigrinee]

The business of today comprises five main topics, namely formation issues, FIC gift policy, constitutional regulations, communication policy and financial matters. The brothers from the RHN led the morning prayers in which we reflected on the theme "Wisdom and Knowledge". We asked for God's wisdom using the beautiful prayer of king Solomon for the day's deliberations. Armed with God's wisdom, we started with formation issues in the first session in which we dealt with resolution 10A which requests the General Council to organise an international meeting for all FIC formators. This meeting is scheduled to take place in Indonesia in 2020. We discussed in detail the content of the meeting which is meant to take care of the needs of our formators. Bro. Raphael led this discussion which ended with very useful suggestions from our provincial leaders. Among the new issues raised are the need to intensify ongoing formation, care for the environment and the spirit of our Founders. These suggestions will be integrated in the initial topics proposed by the GC.


The attention of the discussion then moved to the formulation of community missions (G.Ch. resolution 17A). The discussion on this resolution was meant to create awareness among all brothers the feeling of "who we are" and "why we do what we do." In other words, "What is the motivation for my apostolate as a brother and as a member of the community?" We should be aware that every community is established for a purpose. In fact, if a community does not have a mission, it should not exist in the first place. The discussion forms part of GC's initial process of stimulating brothers (through our leaders) in composing a mission statement and pursuing it in our communities. On FIC gift policy, Bro. Theo Suwaryanto updated the brothers on "Solidarity Fund" a feature of our gift budget which the GC will set up to cater for provincial projects meant for the poor. He also explained the general principles of our gift budget, how the funds can be accessed and the beneficiaries of it.

 In the afternoon, we began with the presentation of the financial report by the General Treasurer, Bro. Remy Nyukorong, covering January to June this year. He explained the balanced sheet, income statement, the global investment outlook and the factors influencing the financial market. Bro. Theo took over again to present the General Council's communication policy, which is important in reaching out to others and stimulating our faith sharing.  Our provinces are expected to enhance communication among the brothers by using the available means such as the FIC Website, Face book, WhatsApp, etc. to strengthen our sense of unity. In line with General Chapter resolution 32, brothers are cautioned to use social media and internet with respect to our dignity as humans and to avoid any possible negative impact of these means to our being FIC brothers.

Constitutional regulations concerning the working relationship between the GC and provinces were examined as a reminder to our provincial leaders, and this was the final topic we dealt with in the ConCon. All too soon, our two-week encounter is near the end. As brothers, we have in several ways tried to express our brotherhood throughout this congregational gathering.  In between these busy days, we remained committed to our source of unity expressed in our morning prayers that began each day and the Eucharistic celebration that concluded each day’s deliberation. Our brotherhood also found expression during our meals and the sharing of a glass of wine at evening recreation.

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